Staying Healthy on the Road!
Hey everyone, it's time to buckle up and get on the road! This week we are going to explore ways to stay healthy on the road. I've included recipes, ways to pack your lunch and snacks so they don't spoil, some amazing cooler bags and ways to relieve tension on the road! Let's get started with how this post is going to be set up. We have a LOT of information to cover so just hang in there with me! First, we will talk about food because, honestly, that's my favorite. I do have pictures of some recipes but the easiest way to convey all this information is to lay it out in a table. I will have three categories (no restrictions, Paleo/Keto, and vegetarian). Keep in mind, I am not a nutritionist nor am I developing or recommending a diet plan for any of you. I have received a few requests to do this post, so I am just sharing what I do on a weekly basis. Also, I know that I do have some friends who are vegan, I am not leaving you out on purpose! I am not good at being ...