We are teaching in an era of unique opportunity and change. Even as recently as nine years ago when I started my TVI career, whenever I needed information about how to teach or where my resources may be located, I was at a loss. I either had to reach out to the state Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired and hope they knew the answer—which they often times did—or I had to create a solution to roadblocks on my own. Now, however, we are lucky to be working during the height of massive online collaboration projects, which means I think we are poised to start addressing some significant areas of need in our field. The area of need I am most passionate about right now is training and retention of qualified, able paraprofessionals. In my second year of teaching, I needed to train my first paraprofessional to work with a first-grade braille reader. Using Google, I found a variety of resources to support the need of havi...