Holidays!! Perfect Time for ADL Skills in the Kitchen
Holiday time for all children is very exciting: school parties filled with sugar, traveling to visit family, presents, and extra time at home. Holiday time is the PERFECT time for families to support development in the ECC (Expanded Core Curriculum) area of ADL (Activities of Daily Living) especially in the KITCHEN. Keep those little minds and hands busy over the break while having fun and building concepts! **Challenge for adults: STEP BACK when possible. Your child should be hands on during all parts of the activity by either direct touch/manipulation or utilizing hand under hand (child's hand rests on top of adult's hand). Introduce parts of a microwave by making popcorn Things to do: Apply a bump dot to the add a minute or 30 sec button Introduce to parts of the microwave allowing time for hands on exploration Have child help gather needed materials (popcorn, bowl, etc.) Picture: Bu...